Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Assignment - Essay Example Whenever a company starts the main operation in a particular region the initially grow steadily and then exponentially. However after a certain phase the company enters a stagnant phase, during this phase many companies realize the importance of approaching other geographical markets for growth. When the global recession had hit the US and Europe market many companies predominantly operating in those geographical area realized the importance of taking their products to growing market. The BRIC countries namely Brazil, Russia, India and China, have been recognized by many companies as markets which have lot of potential. Many of these countries have a substantial population of growing middle and upper middle class people. The increase in disposal income per family has made these countries, a lucrative target for many. In business globalisation denotes more market share, growth and profit making. The farther is the reach of a business the more customers and revenue it is bound to achie ve (Tandon, p.29). Technology has been an important element in facilitating the globalisation. Technological advances in Information Technology have helped companies to operate their global operations more efficiently. A company that has to set up an operation in a foreign geographical region has to initially relocate their strategic team to establish themselves in the foreign market. ... IT also enables these companies to operate globally by enabling them to handle their clients from distant location. IT companies themselves are biggest advocate of globalisation. Most IT companies work for businesses in various geographical areas growing their network globally. Technological development and advances have indeed made the world a smaller place. These technological advances make it possible for operations situated miles apart interact with each other have formal meetings within few minutes without physically relocating. Technological advancement in transportation also has made global operations easier for companies. Travelling from a location to another also has become easier for the managers. One manger is able to handle several geographical areas due to these technological advancements. Technology also helps in keeping the operations located in various locations have a common identity. One of the main aspects of globalisation has been to utlise the resources carefully and efficiently. Each geographical market has a unique resource quotient that gives a comparative advantage to that market. The companies try using these resources in such a way that maximum profit can be harnessed, this makes globalisation a rewarding option for companies also. Globalisation also enables consumers with the power to choose. The consumers are given wider option due to globalisation are in a position to demand better and efficient service (Ramos, p.1-30). One of the most complicated issues for companies opting for globalisation is planning resource management. Resource management is the back bone for any company. The operations will operate according to the plan only if the human resource planning is done in an intelligent way. Right person for the right

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Research methodology: Family support in bipolar disorder

Research methodology: Family support in bipolar disorder CHAPTER 111 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY NEED FOR THE STUDY Bipolar affective disorder is a recurrent and long term mental illness which can affect the lives of the people in a much serious manner. Globally the lifetime prevalence of all forms of the illness, often referred to as bipolar spectrum disorders, has been estimated to be 5% in the general population. The national rate of affective disorder in India as 34 per 1000 population.(Ganguli 200) For most of the patients family is the primary care givers. There are not many studies in India done in this area. The most important protective factor for a person with mental illness is social support and emotional support from a closely associated relationship. Often, but not always, this close relationship is with a spouse/partner or parent. People lacking such a close supportive relationship are at greater risk of anxiety and depression and any kind of mental illness. Despite the high burden of mental disorders and the fact that a significant portion of this burden can be reduced by primary and secondary prevention, most of the people in India do not have access to mental health care due to inadequate facilities and lack of human resources. India has a community mental health program that consists of integrating basic mental health care into general health care services by training primary health care personnel in mental health care. It can, however, be safely concluded that a sole reliance on the trained mental health professionals may not be the best way to move ahead. So this study attempt to see if there is any association between recovery and family support. This study would enhance the involvement of family in mentally ill patients, especially Patients suffering from BPAD. SCOPE OF THE STUDY Family support is a significant factor for a person with any kind of illness, let alone mental illness. This study aims to see if there is any significant relation between the family support and recovery in the patients with BPAD. Family systems are very much intact in traditional Indian families. This is an excellent resource in the area of mental health services. The finding of this study will help to reinforce the necessity of the community based mental health services. Also this may help to bring more awareness in the society regarding the significance of support from family and friends. AIM OF THE STUDY To study the comparison of family support in recovered persons and non recovered persons with Bipolar affective disorder. OBJECTIVES To study the socio demographic details of persons with BPAD To study the family support among patients with BPAD who are recovered and who are not recovered To compare the family support of recovered persons and non recovered persons with BPAD OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS Family: The primary care givers of the patient, who can be father, mother, brother, sister, spouse, son, daughter, uncle, aunt, daughter in law, son in law, grandmother/father, grand daughter/son. Family support Aid or help given by the members in the family in order to meet physical as well as emotional needs of the patient. Bipolar Affective Disorder: F31-ICD 10 A disorder characterised by two or more episodes in which patient’s mood and activity level are significantly disturbed, this disturbance consisting of some occasions of an elevation of mood and increased energy and activity ( hypomania or mania) and on others of lowering of mood and decreased energy and activity( depression).Repeated episodes of hypomania or mania only are considered as Bipolar. Recovery: Recovery requires_>8 consecutive weeks with either no symptoms or only 1–2 mild symptoms with no functional impairment.(Research diagnostic criteria) HYPOTHESIS: There will be high family support for recovered persons than non recovered persons with bipolar affective disorder. RESEARCH DESIGN The researcher has used descriptive research design for the current study. UNIVERSE Mental Health Action Trust Clinics in Malappuram, and Wayanad is the universe of the study. POPULATION: Persons with Bipolar affective disorder in Morayur, Vengara,Ponnani, Pulikkal,Veliyancode, Ambalavayal, kambalakkad was selected. SAMPLE: Sample size of the study was 60. 30 recovered patients and 30 non recovered patients. Non probability sampling method (Purposive sampling) was used to select both recovered and non recovered patients. Clinician impression as per RDC criteria was used to select both the groups; 30 recovered patients and 30 non recovered patients. Researcher informed the clinics early and the listed patients in the list were asked to be present on the clinic day. Thus data was collected TOOLS OF DATA COLLECTION A structured Questioner schedule to retrieve the socio-demographic details. Standardised tool for Family support Secondary data will be collected from the patient files of the clinics. Description of tools: 1. A structured Questioner schedule is developed by the researcher to profile the personal, family, social, work. There are total 13 questions among which 9 are about the personal details of the participant. The remaining four questions are directed to the family. 2. Social Support Appraisal scale (SSA; Vaux et al, 1986): The social support appraisal scale developed by Vaux et al, (1986) is to measure subjective appraisal of support. The SSA is a 23-item instrument based on the idea that the social support is in fact a support only if the individual believes it is available. These subjective appraisals are also viewed as related to overall psychological well being. The SSA taps the extent to which the individual believes he or she is loved by, esteemed by and involved by family, friends and others. The SSA was studied with 10 undergraduate and community samples involving 979 respondents. The mean age ranged from mid teens to 48. The samples were approximately 60% female. The SSA has very good internal consistency, with alpha coefficients that ranges from 0.81 to 0.90. No data on stability was reported. The SSA was subject to considerable evaluation of its validity resulting in very good concurrent, predictive, known groups and construct validity. The SSA is significantly correlated in predicted ways with a variety of measures of social support and psychological well-being, including net work satisfaction, perceived support, family environment, family environment, depression, positive affect, negative affects, loneliness, life satisfaction and happiness. Each item is rated on a scale of 1 (strongly agree), 2 (agree), 3 (disagree), 4 (strongly disagree). The subjects were asked to mark one of the four options given for each of the items in the scale. The SSA is scored by reverse scoring on items 3, 10, 13, 21, 22 and adding up the individual items for a total score, with lower scores indicating a stronger subjective appraisal of social support. In addi tion to the total score, the 8 ‘family’ items make up SSA- family scale and 7 ‘friend’ items make up a friend subscale. The remaining items refer to others in general. This scale has been used in different studies for measuring perceived social support among the people. Panditi (2004) to study the perceived social support among cured alcoholics, Uthaman (2004) to study social support among persons with depressive disorder, Jaison (2004), to study social support among wives of prisoners and Bhadra (2006) to assess the social support among disaster survivors . Secondary data Secondary data was collected from the file records from the clinics as well as a small questionnaire prepared by the researcher. The questionnaire has 6 questions. These questions included the name of the clinic, duration of illness, last episode, is the patient functioning well or not. METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION The administrative head of the clinic was met for the permission and plan would be sought to identify the respondents for the current study- and patient Interview tool was used for the data collection The clinician listed out the respondents in the both groups of participants. The administrative head of the clinic was informed beforehand and tools were administered to each of the participants. The objective of the study was clearly explained to the respondents. Ethical issues were clearly explained to them and informed consent of the participants were obtained. They were given freedom in deciding to participate in study. The respondents were allowed to withdraw from the study during the study. None of the respondents from both groups refused to participate in the study. Socio demographic details were taken down from both the patient and the bystander. The tool for family support was translated in Malayalam and questions were asked by the researcher. Each interview took 15 to 20 minutes. DATA ANALYSIS The data collected from 60 patients were coded into binary data manually for the purpose of statistical tests using SPSS 16.0 version. The statistical method used were descriptive statistics namely mean to compare the family support between the 2 groups of patients. Frequency distribution and percentage for items on age, gender, religion, education, occupation, relationship with the primary care giver was done. T test of the mean of the social support of both the groups was done to see the significance of the Hypothesis. INCLUSION CRITERIA Patients who have at least a 2 years of history of Bipolar affective disorder Patients Who are taking treatment at MHAT clinics Patients and family members who will give consent for the study EXCLUSION CRITERIA Patients of other diagnosis other than BPAD. Patients and families who do not give consent Patients who are staying in institutions other than with families Patients who are not under the treatment in MHAT clinics ETHICAL ISSUES The participants were clearly explained the purpose of the study and they were given the freedom to withdraw from the study. Informed consent obtained from the samples for the study. Confidentiality of the information was maintained.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Stages in Peter Parkers Life in Spiderman :: essays research papers

There are heroes all over the world. What makes a hero are the choices they make and the things they accomplish. Spiderman is that hero and this essay will explain why. There are three areas of argument, which is the bridge of Spiderman's life. The first one is about a helper who supports the hero during a difficult time that would help him succeed through his journey. The second argument would be the most adventurous parts of the quest. The final argument would be different but important aspects of the quest. In the movie Spiderman, Peter Parker/ Spiderman is the hero as his life consists of the stages Protected Youth-the helper appears, The call to adventure and New Landscapes-Road of Trials. Every hero needs help sometime through his or her quest, even Spiderman. Peter?s uncle, Ben is the only one but a great helper in his life. He helped him in many ways. He had raised him to be, intelligent, a good person, honest and never to commit a crime. That is really important for a hero because it could decide his destiny of being a hero or a criminal. Uncle Ben also gives Peter life saving wise words, which would be the reason, why Spiderman is Spiderman. ?These are the years when a man changes to a man he is going to become for the rest of his life? (Spiderman 2002) and ?With great power comes great responsibility?(Spiderman 2002). Peter is very lucky to have a helper like his uncle who helps him through his many stages. Like any hero Spiderman is always on an adventure. The real reason he became Spiderman is due to the death of his Uncle Ben. Peter Parker had to seek justice. He then donned the costume of Spiderman and began to be a vigilante crime fighter. Mr.Ozbourne (father of Peter?s best friend) is a rich and greedy man. But he is hungry for fame and power. Because he is about to lose his company, he constructs experiments on himself that unleashes his evil and dangerous alter ego. The Green Goblin is now created. This part is very important because now a villain has emerged and could be a risk towards Spiderman. This is probably the climax of Spiderman?s quest. The Green Goblin has put Spiderman into a very difficult predicament. He has kidnapped MJ and a bus of children and has threatened Spiderman to choose which one to save while he is about to throw them into the ocean.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Costco Marketing Plan Essay

Definition & Corporate Objective Costco operates membership warehouses based on the concept which offers member low prices on a limited selection of nationally branded and selected private–label products in a large range of merchandise categories which produce high sales volumes and rapid inventory turnover. Combining the turnover with the operating efficiencies achieved via volume purchasing, efficient distribution and reduced handling of merchandise in no-frills, self-service warehouse facilities allows Costco to operate profitably at significantly lower gross margin than traditional wholesaler, mass merchandisers, supermarkets, and supercenters. Using a low cost operating model, the rapid inventory turnover rate enables Costco to offer competitive prices from bulk purchasing. 3. 2 Weaknesses Limited product choices poses as a competitive disadvantage to some consumers who prefer a seamless shopping experience. This will adversely impact the average spend of Costco consumers. 3. 3 Opportunities Due to the recent global recession, price sensitivity is the main concern for consumers. This has led to an upward trend in bulk purchasing and private label products, which in turns save on average grocery expenditure per household. In keeping overall costs low for Costco to sustain in the competitive environment, employment of junior staff on casual and part-time basis is recommended. This in turn will keep wages and salaries lower than the average retailers in general. ?Types of goods demanded: Due to increasing education of young mothers and the growing concern for health, to cater to this uprising new segment, Costco should focus on providing organic goods. 5. Statement of Key Problems and Opportunities Based on the SWOT analysis as shown above, Costco as an established brand is identified as a key strength for the company. Unfortunately, as Costco is originated from USA, upon entering the Australian market, it is an unknown brand to most consumers. This could be a potential weakness for Costco, however, after analysing the supermarket industry in Australia, it is reflected that Australian consumers are more price-sensitive rather than brand-sensitive. Given the trends in the supermarket industry i. e. increasing demand for bulk purchasing due to economies of scale, it has altered consumer’s behaviour to be less loyal to a brand and more reactive to changes in prices.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A biased essay Essay

A biased essay can diminish the writer’s reliability in the reader’s eye. Reliability is what makes a writer’s word reliable. If a writer fails to address the other side of an argument or concern, which they feel strongly, by paying no attention to it or by dismissing it, it is less likely that a reader will give their essay any credibility. â€Å"Acknowledging points of view different from your own also has the effect of fostering more credibility between you and the audience.† (McLean, S., 2011, p. 311). Furthermore, presenting a biased view in an essay can make the essay vulnerable to question on whether its views are effective or not. The idea is that if the writer’s view is biased, the rest of the essay may also have issues. A way we can prevent bias is to use multiple sources of information and compare them with each other. In addition, we must be unbiased and not noticeably favor one specific point of view. Writing for Success. Retrieved from McLean, S., COM/155 – University Composition and Communication website. How do you feel about using I in an academic essay? What issues arise with the use of I in an academic essay, and how can you prevent it? In my opinion, I believe the use of the letter â€Å"I†, in an academic essay, should be allowed sparingly and dependent upon what the writer is attempting to address. If the writer has personal knowledge of a topic or a project they have conducted themselves, then my question would be, â€Å"Why not?† The purpose of an academic essay is for the writer/student to demonstrate their personal knowledge and growth is it not? Therefore, by addressing the writer as a source it would give them credibility in their essay. See more: Sleep Deprivation Problem Solution Speech Essay However, I do understanding how incorporating the letter â€Å"I† in an essay changes the subject of a sentence to that of the writer. This pulls the attention away from the subject and towards that of the writer essentially creating bias by directing attention to the writer’s personal points of view. Removing the letter â€Å"I† from a sentence can prevent this from occurring, which allows the subject to remain the topic of the sentence, consequently separating the subject from that of the writer. What are some of the benefits of regular physical activity? Why is physical activity important and how might it improve health and wellness? There are many things people can do for their health. However, one of the most important things they can do is engage in regular physical activity. Previously, I have associated physical activity as a weight management tool. However, I have come to learn that physical activity goes far beyond weight management. A person who includes physical activities in their daily life has fewer chances of serious physical and mental ailments. As learned through this course, maintaining a consistent physical activity regiment can lessen our risk for contracting diseases and improve our overall health. In addition, maintaining regular physical activity can prevent us from contracting several health problems including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, depression, anxiety, stress, etc. Furthermore, consistently working out and maintaining a well-balanced diet can improve all aspects of life (Donatelle, R.J., 2011). If we take responsibility for our own health by maintaining a physically active lifestyle, we can improve our lives immensely. Reference: Donatelle, R.J. (2011). Health. Retrieved from Donatelle, R.J., SCI/162 – Principles of Health and Wellness website. What is one factor that has contributed to the global increase in obesity? Describe this factor in detail and explain why the factor puts individuals at risk for becoming obese. One factor I find intriguing is the genetic factors associated with obesity. â€Å"Over 250 gene markers have shown positive association to obesity in over 400 separate studies.† (Donatelle, R.J., 2011, p. 295). This was shocking because my entire life, I have been told that genetics has nothing to do with obesity. I have struggled with weight management my entire life. I swore my fluctuating weight was attributed to genetics. My mother is slightly overweight as is my grandmother. In addition, I have an identical twin brother with whom I share identical features from large ears to a large waistline. Sure, my weight has fluctuated throughout the years, but I have consistently been heavier than most. I do lose weight when I maintain a rigorous workout plan, but as soon as I stop, the weight comes back immediately. Because genetics are an uncontrollable factor of obesity, I believe this puts individuals at an extremely high risk of obesity. Weight management by way of physical activity can help to prevent the effects of obesity. However, it is up to the individual to implement a regiment that works for them. Reference: Donatelle, R.J. (2011). Health. Retrieved from Donatelle, R.J., SCI/162 – Principles of Health and Wellness website. In what situations are compare-and-contrast essays effective? When would that style be ineffective? What is the difference? Explain. I believe compare-and-contrast essays are most effective when two subjects are similar however if small differences are discovered about the subject, the reader’s opinion would be changed. The reason why you would conduct a compare-and-contrast essay is to identify the differences of the two subjects and persuade the reader into sympathizing with your view. In addition, this rhetorical mode of writing can be used to compare the likenesses of two subjects or to contrast the differences of two subjects. A compare-and-contrast essay would not be effective if we want to write about how our day went. The most effective way to write about how our day went would be a narration essay. The difference is that if we are narrating somet hing, we are telling a story or narrating an incident or series of incidents. In addition, we are not comparing or contrasting the subject as we would in a compare-and-contrast essay. Students often argue that since they are expressing their point-of-view that they have to use first person. Traditionally, in an academic piece of writing, this is frowned upon. One of the reasons is that using first person actually will make a statement seem less confident. Why do you think this is so? Whenever I read something written by an individual who is not affiliated with an accredited source, I immediately form an opinion that the information they are trying to relay is biased. This is because the individual has identified himself or herself as the reliable source of information by identifying himself or herself in the first person pronoun â€Å"I.† In academic writing, our peers already know we are developing a topic from a personal view, which does not require the need to identify our personal point of view. Therefore, when we continuously identify our opinion as the only opinion, it makes us sound less confident about our work. These are wholly unnecessary in academic writing because your academic peers already accept that you are developing your topic from a subjective perspective—one that you will explain and support by way of a scholarly method. When you habitually draw attention to the fact that your writing is â€Å"only your opinion,† it reads as a lack of confidence in your own ideas or in your abilities to discuss them persuasively. Yet one more reason they are inappropriate is that they turn academic prose into narrative prose, using a first-person point of view. Suddenly, the reader is made aware of an unreliable narrator who’s conveying the intellectual content as though it’s part of a story. Again, academic readers demand that the intellectual content of the prose be showcased, and that the ego behind it not assert itself and cross the objective distance readers demand as a matter of protocol What are some obstacles that prevent individuals from getting regular physical activity? How can you overcome these obstacles? Some obstacles include a lack of time, lack of knowledge about how to exercise, a lack of inclination. You can overcome these obstacles by scheduling your time better, learning about exercise, and changing yourself to desire better health. One of the most common reasons that prevent individuals from conducting physical activity is a lack of time. For me, being able to find time to work out is difficult because I work long hours and have family responsibilities that require my attention. However, through my courses here at University of Phoenix, I have learned how to develop time management techniques and schedules, which have become useful in developing a routine. Another thing that prevents individuals from getting regular physical activity is, not knowing how to work out properly. Some people are afraid of receiving injury because of poor techniques used while working out. However, the risk of injuries because of working out far outweighs the risk of contracting a health related issues because of not working out. The effect of not leading a physically active lifestyle has long-term effects that can be far more dangerous than an injury sustained while working out. Class, what are some ways you’ve found meal planning to be helpful? What I have found to be helpful with meal planning is that I do not open myself up to temptation; temptations such as fast food establishments that look appealing and are probably not a healthy choice. When I develop a meal plan, I am less likely to eat unhealthy foods. Here in California, we have a Fresh & Easy grocery store, which sells pre-made food in single servings. I have found this store to be amazing. I am often faced with last minute phone calls to report to work as such I am unable to make a lunch. Now I just grabbed a pre-made salad or sandwich and I am off. Not only does this save me time, but also money because I do not purchase other items and it reduce food waste. The more you practice your writing, the better off you are and the more you will learn. As the old saying goes, â€Å"practice makes perfect!† Eventually, using the right word form will become common knowledge and second nature to you. When I got out of high school, I had a hard time with proper word form, amongst other things. Like most young adults, I did not pay as much attention as I should have in English class. However, I was lucky enough to get into a career where I write on a daily basis. Through trial and error, I learned the difference between â€Å"there† and â€Å"their,† as well as the other word forms. In addition, when I read, I tend to focus on words that I have not seen before and try to figure out their meaning by reading the word in the sentence. So, continue to practice your writing and read, and eventually you will know the difference! we, us, our, they, them, ours. What are gender-free pronouns? Provide three suggestions how to solve using biased language in your writing? Some gender-free pronouns include we, us, our, they, them, their, ours, etc. In writing, the use of gender-free pronouns is important to avoid biased language. Before this course, I never really knew how biased others might have understood my writing. For that reason, the most important way to avoid using biased language in our writing is to be aware that it exists. Another way is to avoid using masculine or feminine pronouns such as â€Å"he† and â€Å"she.† In addition, avoiding the use of pronouns all together in a sentence can alleviate biased language. Furthermore, alternating male and female examples such as â€Å"he† and â€Å"she† throughout a sentence can also alleviate biased language. Jessica, You pointed out some great information and I agree with you. When I was younger, I use to love playing outside with my brothers, riding my bike, and enjoying the outdoors. I truly believe that the invention of video games and other technologies such as computers and internet access is taking the youth out of our children. However, I believe we as parents are to blame for this. We are the enablers that give them these devices and allow them to utilize these devices freely. Sure we can put restriction on how long they can use the device, but unless we follow-up to ensure these restrictions are being adhered to; we truly will never influence our children to be active. Hey Lee, What I have found to be most motivating to me is my daughter. Every time I think to myself that I do not need to work out, I look at my daughter and realize I want to live longer. As morbid as that may sound, I know that by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and working out, I can extend my lifespan as long as I do not get ran over by a car on my jog. What this says to me is when a person makes a goal of losing weight, having a year long plan at minimum and incorporating exercise at the start of the diet are two key strategies to incorporate. Class, What are your thoughts? I agree with starting a yearlong program and incorporating a diet plan with it. Throughout my life, I have started several weight loss programs many of which have not worked for me. I attribute much of my failures to laziness on my part. However, none of the weight loss programs I have conducted involved a diet plan and they definitely did not last longer than a year. Whenever I have conducted a weight loss program in the past, if I did not see any visible results within a couple months, I quit. I believe that if I were to have incorporated a diet plan in conjunction with an exercise routine, I would have seen visible results, which would have kept me motivated. Class, What are your experiences with morning vs afternoon workouts? I have definitely had my share of both morning and afternoon workouts. Personally, working out in the morning is far better than working out in the afternoon. My energy levels are much higher in the morning and I feel like I get a better work out because of this. When I work out in the afternoon, I feel sluggish because I have been working all day and I can only concentrate on hurrying home. This is usually because I have not seen my family all day and I want to spend time with them. As a result, this is a psychological disadvantage of working out in the afternoon for me. Edward, That is great! Keep up the good work! Another thing that I have found to be fun and interesting is to add new words that I have not seen before and I incorporate them into a sentence. As I previously mentioned, I write quite a bit at work and as such, my coworkers and I pick a â€Å"word-of-the-day† to incorporate in our reports. Obviously, the word must be pertinent to the report and flow. This is a fun and easy way to add words to your vocabulary. Try it out next time you write a response and avoid â€Å"monotony.† Look it up its fun! You have some very good points Danny and I agree that we must make sure that our sources are reliable. We need to do this in order to prove that our writings are authentic as well. Without being credible and reliable our papers will have nothing. Our papers would be basically our own thoughts and opinions with zero evidence. I just wrote a paper for one of our last classes and had to cite things (which I have never had to do before) and it was for some reason a lot harder than what I thought it would be. Crystal, Like you, I have never cited any work prior to taking these courses here at University of Phoenix. It is getting easier, but I still find this difficult. One of the many things I have found to be most difficult was determining when to cite and when not to. In addition, I didn’t know how to cite material obtained from a textbook, newspaper, website, etc. After reading some of our course materials, I realized it’s better to cite material even if it’s not required. Initially, my biggest fear was that I would not cite the material correctly. However, I found the citation generator in the University Library to be very helpful. I’m sure you have tried this by now, but if not it’s great! This helped me to organize the citations and become more confident in my work.