Thursday, February 20, 2020

Religious terrorists are modern manifestations of historical Essay

Religious terrorists are modern manifestations of historical traditions of extremism - Essay Example will evaluate various literature and research already carried out, which examines religiously stimulated violence and terrorism by Christian, Jewish as well as Islamic extremists. Efforts to better understand the root causes of different types of religious political violence have been carried out through studies. They give hope that they might provide an opening for a more productive negotiations between political and various religious leaders of all faiths on ways to minimize religiously stimulated terrorism. Religious terrorism is an act of violence, which is influenced by religious beliefs. Mostly, the perpetrators commit the violent act based on their personal goals, which may or may not necessarily value other people’s values and beliefs. They also believe that their actions are justified due to their belief that it is for a greater good. However, this is not always the case. History redirects to the significant role that religion play in political and social change. All around the world, there are various instances of faith-grounded and faith-stimulated persons, groups and associations. Current examples include the high prominence of the African church with its leaders during the anti-apartheid fight in South Africa. Another example is the liberty theologians of Latin American republics who got involved in societal reorganization and political action in reaction to the human need and social discriminations they witnessed around them (Cherribi, 2009). Although there exists quite a number of religious activities that were meant to fight for the better good of a population, there are, however many instances that prove otherwise. In these cases, their activities tend to be selfish and only advocate for the good a smaller group that shares the same interests. Therefore, I consider it to be a constructive way of change. A particular religious group can be perceived to be extremist or terrorist, if and when its actions instill direct or indirect harm to the

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Impact of Employee Participation in Decision Making on Job Research Proposal

Impact of Employee Participation in Decision Making on Job Satisfaction - Research Proposal Example to these public enterprises to comply the governance code by ensuring that these enterprises are directed and managed at board and management level in a fair and transparent manner. The Corporate Governance Code encourages these enterprises to create value through innovation and development, implement effective control systems and increase accountability and transparency. The general public has a very high expectation for the services rendered by these enterprises. Therefore, these enterprises should give special emphasis on maintaining quality in their services and delivering the services on timely basis. Failure to provide the services up to the expectations of the public would hinder their trust and confidence on these enterprises. For the Maldives public enterprises to survive and to sustain in this turbulent and bombarded economic and business environment, collective and joint efforts of management and employees are vitally important. The participation of employees in organizational decision making in these enterprises and the incorporation of employees opinions and suggestions in formulating company policies and strategies are paramount important to achieve the competitive advantage over the competitors. Participative decision making in these enterprises would enhance job satisfaction thereby ultimately achieving higher organizational performance. When employees are given some degree of autonomy in their work, they will design their work such in a way that it will produce the best result, mutually benefitting the enterprises and the employees. Enterprises are benefitted by achieving higher productivity in employees’ work while employees are benefitted by achieving job satisfaction. Further, employees’ will feel that they are part of the enterprises and will have a sense of belongingness to the enterprises. This will result the retaining of skilled employees due to the employees job satisfaction and establishment of quality work life in these