Sunday, November 17, 2019

First Day Of School Essay Example for Free

First Day Of School Essay On my first day of school, my Dad came to drop me of. I was really nervous and afraid when I came out of the car and headed for the School gate. In the playground, I saw an abundance of big boys running around; that made me even more apprehensive. When the School bell rang, I quickly into ran to the hall so I wasn’t late on my first day. Mrs McNamara, our head of year was giving all the students a lot of essential information that we needed in the future so as a consequence, it was important that we listened. At lunchtime I became more relaxed and at ease, at the end of the day my dad came to pick me up from school, I had really enjoyed myself and as a result I knew I would have a fantastic time at High school. Try to be yourself don’t copy anyone or anything. Furthermore, to do well in school you have to be bold and respectful, it always helps. LESSONS AND SCHOOL RULES In lessons you have to pay full attention to what the teacher’s saying, it will help you in your work and Home study. You must be fully equipped for the lesson so it is best you pack your bag the night before you have that lesson, you will need: two pens, a ruler, a pencil your exercise book, a rubber, a calculator, and a pencil case. In Trinity your work has to be a certain standard, if your work is below that standard, the teacher will make you do it again. Hence, you need to put effort into it, make sure you have checked it, and do it to your best quality. Trinity High school forbids bullying; any signs of bullying and you will be in a huge amount of trouble, you must always respect one another and the Teachers. Attendance and Punctuality is very important, so you don’t miss any lessons or activities. You must take care of all the equipment that you use and attempt not to damage it. SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENTS If you behave well and do extremely well in your lessons you get achievements such as: Effort and Excellence certificates, Headmasters award s letters of praise and congratulations, weekly praise from the Headmaster and attendance and punctuality awards. There are so many ranges of achievements, so make sure you work hard, listen to your teachers and be respectful at all times.

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