Wednesday, November 27, 2019

w arren G. harding essays

w arren G. harding essays Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918, Umtata, Transkei. Nelson Mandela was a South African lawyer and he was also a black nationalist who was the African National Congress fropm March 1990. Mr. Mandela was imprisoned from 1962 to February 1990 because of his poltical activities, and he became a symbol of the frustrated aspirations of South Africa's black majority. Nelson Mandela the son of chief Henry Mandela of the Xhosa-speacking Tembu tribe, Nelson mandela was educated at University College of Fort Hare and the University of Witwatersrand and qualified in law in 9142. He joined the ANC in 1944 and soon became one of the black-liberation group's leaders. He engaged in resistance against the ruling National Party's aparteid policies after 1948 and eventually went on trial for treasonin 1956-61.This trial was acquitted 1961. During this extended he devorced his first wife and married Nomzamo Winifred. After the massacre of unarmed Africans by police forces at Sharpeville in 1960 and the subsequent banning of the ANC, Mandela abandoned hisnonviolent stance and began advocating actsof sabotage against the South African regime. In 1961 he was jailed again and sentenced to five years imprisonment. In 1963 the imprisoned Mandela and several other men were tried for sabatage, treason, and violent conspiracy in the celebrated Rivonia Trial, named after a fashionable suburb of Johannesburg where raiding police had discovered quantities of arms and equipment at the headquarters of the underground Umkhonto." Spear of the Nation," the ANC's military wing. Mandela had been a founder of the organization and admitted the truth of some of the charges that were made against him. On June 11, 1964, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. ...

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